March 23, 2012

Low-Carb Can Be Easy!

A few years ago I tried the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet and I have to say it nearly drove me to anger management classes! I read the book and felt it was talking to me, personally. It all made sense, the science and the thinking. So I went for it! Within two days I was feeling the pain! I had never before realized just how prevalent carbohydrates are in our western diets. I couldn't eat pasta, cereals, rice, starch vegetables, fruit, sugar, bread and just about everything else. Preparation a packed lunch for work was a horror until I started to think outside the traditional sandwich envelope, if there is such a thing! I had to remember to pack in the meat and leave out the bread. After a week I gave it up. It was just too hard and apart from that I was forever grumpy like a bear with a sore head. It naturally wasn't worth it although I had lost a couple of pounds.

So I went back to my old ways and of course, the ever creeping obesity crept up while my back was turned and I put on even more weight. When I checked the scales one morning and found I was 165kg (363lb) and not the nine feet seven inches that would have me in excellent proportion height to weight, I knew I had to do something about it. Exercise was the rejoinder and so I went for it and very speedily dislocated a knee cap and did other damage to these very vulnerable joints. I bought Exercise equipment and even though I set it all up correctly, nothing changed. I had that bike and rowing machine in my study for months, waiting for the weight to go but apparently you have to move the pedals and levers around as well. I tried that but kept getting injured. I even rediscovered the old 5Bx Exercise plan devised in the 1950s for the Royal Canadian Air Force. I love that plan and set to work with a will. Of policy whenever I started to feel fitter I would do some damage and have to rest and then I would feel lazy and slack and hate myself and it was even harder to start up again. Does any of this sound familiar?

This went on for years until in February I had to solve a problem with German Cockroaches. Silly me chose a 'Budget ' clarification that was a rip off but it did introduce me to a man who helped me with the weight problem. Funny how these things happen like this. Pradeep was working for his brother in law doing the pest control job on weekends but he is certainly an entrepreneur waiting to make it big time and I am sure he will very soon. He took one look at me and said he had a weight loss system that worked and was I interested in seeing some more information? I said I was and a few weeks later he came around with his laptop. What sold me was the photo of him seeing very separate to the slim, salutary man in front of me. If he could perform such results, so could I!

In a nutshell the system he was selling has worked but I find the Mlm or network marketing thought an high-priced proposition. Even though he says he sold me the goods at his cost it is ten times what it would be if you bought the raw materials from a health food store and that is so that all the people hiding up his left leg or wherever they put them nowadays can get their cut. Of policy you could argue that so long as it works then it is not the cost of the ingredients but the value of the result that counts but at the moment I am a full time pupil with a family of four kids to reserve and paying 0 for two tins of powdered vitamins and one tin of powdered fiber for two weeks of the schedule is beyond my means. Especially when I needed to find 0 to pay for a proper pest controller after Pradeep's funds job never made a dent.

Basically you adopt a low carb eating plan and you monitor your Ketones with a pack of indicator strips you have to urinate on. When they indicate you are in ketosis then you are losing weight. Too much sugar or carbs and you go out of ketosis and no longer burn up the stored fat. As well as taking the test every morning you have to mix the powder four times a day and drink these shakes. They give you the vitamins and fiber you ordinarily miss when avoiding the carbs. They also seem to help you stay happy and not turn into the Grump! Add to this a brisk 60 minutes walk every day and believe me the weight drops off! If you stick to the plan you can lose up to 1kg or 2.2lbs a day, a little less for the ladies. I started with a fifteen little walk around the block, then got progressively more into it every day and within a week I was steaming around doing 5km (3miles) in an hour every afternoon. Then I started to do sit ups and push ups and I have to confess I am now far fitter than ever before for many years that I can remember. I also enjoy the 60 minutes of 'Me' time every afternoon. I certainly want to do it as I am no longer carrying around so much weight. I am steady around 145-146kg (319-321lbs) which is still heavy but compared to before it is an astounding transformation.

I picked up a 20kg (44lb) sack of rice the other day at the Asian Store and I thought, 'Wow! I used to carry this much extra weight around all day every day! No wonder I was forever injuring myself!' I have another 40kg (88lbs) to go and I confess it is tougher without the shakes and ketone strips. I can't afford to keep up the schedule but if I could I know by now I would be half way there. The trick is to get your head around things, just like when I quit smoking. You need to convince yourself that you feel best not having candy and carbs. You have to be clear that when you end your evening meal there are no late night snacks coming. You have to think the benefits of being slimmer are far best than the momentary delight of sticking that clump of sugar in your mouth.

After 21 days a new habit forms and you certainly do prefer the healthier eating plan of the low-carb lifestyle. There are numerous web sites and method books out there and you can have eggs, cheese, meat and fish as well as many vegetables and all sorts of berries. Once you get to your target weight you can reintroduce carbs in moderate amounts. Bread, pasta and potatoes will taste all the best for being fewer on your plate and less often on the menu than before. You will appreciate these high carb items more and enjoy them in moderation. When you start on this road you speedily perceive why we are such an obese society. So much of what we love is high in carbohydrates and thus is stored rather than used by the body unless you are a hyperactive, fidgeting marathon runner! Fast foods are all high carb and so are all the quick snacks we love.

But if we are to beat the bulge and get some control back in our lives we need to make some sacrifices. It might not be the way of the 21st Century to accept we can't have it all, but the reality is you can't! You can't eat everything you want and whenever you want and as much as you want and not get fat. Look around at your fellow citizens and see how many of them are fat slugs like you. Yeah, I'm talking to you! Just like I talk to myself because I am no best than whatever else. I was lazy and greedy and I have paid for it with my health and self esteem. Now, though, with just 20kg off and another 40kg to go I am proud of myself and proud of my achievements. So are my kids! They have seen their father run for the first time in their young lives! I now take my nine year old with me when I walk in the afternoon and it is a great occasion for us to bond. Just her and her Dad and not having to worry about the other three stealing my time and attention.

You can do it. Get hold of a low carb eating plan or diet plan and result it. Consist of the Exercise but make it something you enjoy doing and remember to replace the vitamins you need as well as the water. I now buy low cost vitamins and take them and they seem to keep up my power levels. I am much healthier than I ever was before and if I still need to lose more when I end college I will get a job and be able to afford the schedule again. Until then it is harder but not impossible, not if you certainly want it and I do!

Low-Carb Can Be Easy!

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