March 28, 2012

Squirrel Poison - Not a Good Idea

Fortunately, there is not a squirrel poison on the store like you can buy for other pests. Nothing that is sold will offer you the same 'eat and die' method of squirrel control like you can find for bugs, rats, and mice. There are many ways to take care of squirrels, but most of them will prove ineffective in the long run. Here are some tips to keep squirrels away from your home, if only for a tiny while:

- remove any stacked woodpiles that you have near your home.
- Trim tree branches so that they are away from your roof, gutters, and eaves.
- mend any cracks or holes that you find in your walls or eaves. Use screen coverings for vents to keep them from getting in at these points.
- Get rid of any food source that beckons them, such as bird feeders.
- Put gutter guards up if they nest in your gutters.

These are all great methods for retention squirrels from nesting in your home, garage, or other places that you don't want them. Squirrel poison, as stated above is not available. However, even if it was, it is not all the time the write back that you are seeing for. The best way to eliminate squirrels is with live removal rather than killing them or harming them. And for those of you who are wondering about the effectiveness of mothballs as a squirrel removal aid, don't bother. By the time you have adequate mothballs to run them out, you'll run your family out of the home as well.

As you've read, squirrel poison is not the write back to your squirrel problems. If you've tried all the solutions above and still have problems with furry tiny invaders, you should caress a professional wildlife specialist. They are trained to help you wholly eliminate your squirrel problems and can offer you a best solution than you might find on your own. Wildlife specialists know exactly how to cope squirrel problems without poison or harming them, which is what many people are seeing for.

It might be tempting to harm or kill the squirrels that are causing problems in your home. However, it is far best to just remove the squirrels from your home without hurting them. Although they might be a nuisance, it is in their nature to find a nice warm place to nest. If that place happens to be your attic or other areas of your home, you need to caress a wildlife specialist today.

Squirrel Poison - Not a Good Idea

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