October 21, 2011

Let Almighty God Whisper This In Your Ear Especially When You So Need To Hear Such Words

There are times when it is good to sing and there are times when we need to hear. Turn with me to the words of one very powerful and relevant song.

It is a good song to sing, and the lyrics are true. That is not always the case when people sing songs.

Self Pest Control

Psalm 93 is quite short but what a lot the writer packs into these few lines. There is not a wasted word.

Right at the very beginning he tells us something we each need to know, and of which we require frequent reminding.

The Lord reigns. He is robed in majesty. This is more than trappings, emblems or mere fancy-dress. It is quite an astonishing and reassuring picture.

Jesus Christ is risen, living and alive, enthroned in heaven at God the Father's right hand, and we are informed elsewhere that He is interceding for us. Consider the implications of that. Jesus Christ is praying for you. that is what the Scriptures teach.

The King prays for His subjects. He cares for those who follow Him, and is so interested and concerned about all the details of our lives. Nothing is ever too trivial to bring to His attention.

What is He asking the Father regarding you?

Whatever might happen in our world, Jesus Christ is never taken by surprise. No matter what turmoil, rebellion or upheaval explodes, He is not shaken.

His throne is unmoved and unmovable.

The noise of pounding roaring waves can be battering against men and nations. He is mightier, and able to hear the faintest of our cries. Now, there is something to encourage the weakest of hearts. He hears our cries. He hears our sobbing hearts. He knows when hearts can be almost at breaking point. You will not find this anywhere else in the whole world.

When we are despondent, desperate, down, and feeling almost defeated, know that He is in control.

Our God reigns.

It is a positive song to sing, but to believe these words at all times and in every circumstance can be a very different matter, and quite difficult, especially when we cannot see clearly, or when we wonder just what lies ahead of us.

At such a moment let the Holy Spirit whisper in your ear, "The Lord reigns". Let that sustain you and give you the strength to stand and continue.

Sandy Shaw

Let Almighty God Whisper This In Your Ear Especially When You So Need To Hear Such Words