October 1, 2011

Love Potion No. 9 - human sex pheromones

The functions of pheromones in the animal kingdom have been documented since 1970 in late. It was found that the secretion of female moth pheromones they could attract male moths to the same species over several miles. Since their discovery, animal pheromones have been used as repellents or attractants for the parasite and the like.

Found in 1986 a researcher named Winnifred Cutler, that women who have stayed with the college dorm synchronizedMenstrual cycles - menstruation at the same time, after a few months.

Self Pest Control

Other studies of Cutler has shown that women who regularly have sex with men have had at least once a week longer regulates the menstrual cycle and fertility, and fewer menopausal symptoms than those who have had sex tends to be sporadic. The frequency of sex slows the decline of estrogen and thereby maintain the fertility of women at a higher level. He wrote this constant exposure of women to menPheromones.

Thus, in its natural state, as well as the scent of human pheromones? It would probably smell, at least for the people, just like the ultra-high-frequency whistle shrill sound of a silent human sensory organ. Since the extraction of chemicals from human sweat, the smell of men's dressing room would probably place because its natural fragrance is concerned.

Human sex pheromones have been discovered in the mid-1980. There are still a lotControversies surrounding the results, but there are already many brands of human pheromones for sale on the Internet. Some are inorganic mixtures, while others are said to be extracted from human sweat. Most of perfume or cologne added, probably to justify the price. Really? Friends who have used it swear by it. And 'maybe worth a try when your love life needs a pep-up. Finally, only one gets on your clothes or skin, as in the casePerfume. Do not consume internally

Sun dabbing a human male pheromones would make him a man for an immediate Matt Damon in "Ocean 13" - Ellen Barkin's rendering of the characters in a woman who loses her self-control? Or do you stop female human pheromones to attract men to women en masse, as in the case of the butterflies? We'd be in trouble when he accidentally dropped a bottle or two of the human sex pheromones for men and women in a shopping center inpre-Christmas rush weekend? We should get to witness a scene at the end of the movie "Perfume: The Story of a murderess?"

I think this is what we mean when we say the couple in the film "Mr. & Mrs. Smith," because the chemistry is right!

Love Potion No. 9 - human sex pheromones