September 25, 2011

Organic solutions for pest control

Many people shy away from organic gardening, because they believe that their plants are attacked by insects, when the spray in the right "poisons". The truth is that there are many natural ways to prevent insects from your plants - that is, there are many ways to keep the bad bacteria, while the good guys win.

° to. We all know that garlic keeps away vampires, but did you know that also keeps annoying insects such as aphids on yourGarden? You can create your own bug spray squeezing your toes. Even garlic plant sprouting in the garden as an additional repellent effect.

Self Pest Control

· Family Allium. Other facilities "stinky" next to garlic, like onions, chives and spring onions and repel pests. Plant them in your garden.

· Fennell. Attract ladybugs by planting this herb pretty amazing. Remember to kill mites and aphids, ladybugs, but not harm plants, people orPets. In comparison to chemical pesticides, ladybugs are much less expensive, and are self-renewing!

• Other herbs. Dill, coriander, angelica, parsley and win ladybugs to your garden. They also attract other beneficial insects.

· Mantis. A praying mantis can be the answer to your prayers ... or they can be a little 'annoyance, of course. This insect is very hungry, all love to eat aphids, fruit flies, grasshoppers, butterflies, crickets, andFlies ... But not everything we eat. They also tend to those beneficial insects such as lacewings and hoverflies eat. And 'possible to buy cases praying mantis egg if you want to add these hungry insects in your garden.

· Organic spray. If the addition of insects in your garden is not your idea, the best way to get rid of insects, there are some organic sprays you can use (such as neem or pyrethrum). You can also glue traps.

· Careadequate soil fertility. Start with the floor - use the correct methods of disposal methods and good compost. Plant a diverse ecosystem (native species). Maintaining the fertility of its soil, repel pests, weeds and fungi.

The type of parasite that you choose depends greatly on the parasite - flies, grasshoppers, mosquitoes, fungus, leafminers, leafhoppers, crickets, caterpillars, aphids, beetles, beans, etc. The list will appear and the parasiteof. Fortunately, there are some beneficial insects to fight them!

Overall it's a good idea lacewings, ladybugs, praying mantis, and invite into your garden. Find ways to attract them or go buy them and take them by force in your garden!

Besides the use of insect pests, there are many traps and organic pesticides, you can use. Why not first try to contact pesticides that are trying to harm the environment?

Organic solutions for pest control