April 24, 2012

Cockroach operate Is Easy When You Know How To Hit Them Where They Live

Controlling cockroaches isn't hard. You only need to recognize the signs that you have a roach infestation, and then you have to outline out where their nest is. Then you must find a way to get at the nest to treat it.

Oh, and you need to know how to accomplish those medicine techniques for the top certain result.

Problem is most people don't know how to do all that. The only intuit I learned it is I became a pest control technician, and had to help people get rid of this insect.

When you get up in the middle of the night. Walk to the kitchen for a glass of water. And catch a flurry of action when you turn on the light. (Or you feel, and hear, the crunching of those little bodies as you step down on them because you didn't turn that light on.) Maybe cockroaches infest your home.

Maybe not.

But the fact is that when you see roaches running around on your kitchen floor you're only finding at about 20% of the roach people you're hosting.

A full 80% of that cockroach family lives, and roams around, inside your walls.

You can't see them. The only way you know they're in there is if you know that when you see roaches running around your house you also know that most of them stay out of sight.

If you don't treat them the right way you won't get rid of them.

A good suspension spray helps. When you spray it on a surface the spray dries. That leaves a thin layer of poison dust on that surface. As roaches walk straight through the dust, it gets on their legs. The roach eats the dust when it cleans its legs.

Some of them make it back to the nest before they die. Roaches are cannibals. When they eat these bugs that died from licking the poison off their legs, they die too. Over time the cannibalistic action spreads the poison straight through the nest.

(Some technicians tell you a spray is all you need. It gives them an opportunity to keep advent back to your home for future treatments.)

Like I said, the spray helps. But it's fast acting. Most of those roaches won't make it back to the nest. And the technician who only sprays makes more money for his business because periodic treatments are required.

You're good off if you use baits. They act on the roach more slowly, and give it fullness of time to get back to the nest. The other insects get more of their own dead to feast on, and the snowballing succeed of the poison soon wipes the nest out.

So learn about your options for roach baits. Learn which baits are most effective. Learn how to outline out where they've built their nest. And learn how to best place the baits for your top success in killing them.

Do that and you too will think cockroach control is easy.

Cockroach operate Is Easy When You Know How To Hit Them Where They Live

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