May 6, 2011

Termite Control Methods

Termite infestations cause a lot of damage to the human world. These are mostly the work of subterranean termites. termites are subterranean termites nest underground, often near the vicinity of their sources of food, which in the case of urban areas, often in the homes of unsuspecting people.

Once woodworking termites in your home, running a series of underground tunnels from their nests, often not suspected of anythinguntil it is too late. Termites noticed until the damage is to get an advanced stage. Therefore, prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to termites.

Self Pest Control

One of the methods of termite control is the agitation system that is installed today. These consist of small containers, or "stations" buried with the holes along the perimeter of a building. Some pieces of wood is placed inside as bait and laced with slow-acting termite insecticide. Termite baitingThe systems are easy to maintain, once deployed, and are resistant to many types of termites destructive force.

If termites have already been identified in a building that is boring about the only way to control the infestation. These holes in the termite and the injection of insecticide into the holes. This method is only if the infestation has established conducted. The downside is that it is expensive and poses a threat to the environment, particularly because theTermite insecticide can seep into groundwater.

The treatment of the foundation before the building is the only way for an infestation of termites right in front of everybody starts prevented. The ground floor and the foundation is treated before any construction began. Also removed all traces of wood in the ground, as serve as a magnet for termites. However, this pre-construction anti termite treatment will not last indefinitely, because the insecticide wears off termiteFinally. But he has a way to discourage future colonization of a new colony of termites, but not infallible.

All these methods termites impact on how an environment or another, even in the case of termite bait stations do it yourself. But such is the price for the urbanized environment of man, paid by the proliferation of some species in the absence of natural competition from other types of termites and termite predation by carnivores that all act in favoras a natural way to check and balance. The only sure way to protect your home is to maintain vigilance at all times.

Termite Control Methods