April 4, 2011

It's worth a blog for my company to create?

The perception of a business blog Business Owners

As a management consultant, I am used to receiving negative feedback from my clients. I know. This statement seems pretty pathetic and a bit 'self-degrading, but in reality it is not. The council brings together a negative response in most cases is not necessarily bad advice, it's just the comfort zone of my customers. This is when I recommend blogging business. The immediate reaction of almost all businessOwner is the same. She tells me not to work here, or at least not in their field. They say it will not increase sales or not having time, or someone on staff who write. Yes, it can be justified by these few companies, but for the vast majority of companies do not.

Self Pest Control

Blogging can help your business the way that he probably never imagined. You do not have to hire someone for your corporate blog. In fact, it's better not to. L 'Best Practice for blogging for business is to engage your employees. Getting to share your talents and resources through the invitation and support of the members of your team, their experience, insights and experiences. For example, a pest control company include not only the blog post selected employee or manager. It should also include contributions from various team members throughout the organization. Allowing people to author contributions of some areas of their competence.

FeverControl Company Blog Example:

Pest control engineer - "What does the test parasites a home or business" Pest Control Inspector - "Ant Best Practices for the examination of a home for rodents, and etc. Security Director (licensee) - "The potential hazards of pesticides inside a house or residence" Termite Inspector - "How to best protect your home from the threat of termites" Fumigation specialist - "As far as beetles in furniture-Check", or "How to control beetles in wheatFood

As you can see, your team will seek the quality of your blog by specialists to write their profession, to say nothing of their real-life experiences in the area improve. This also allows the workload of a single blogger. With the help of the strengths of your team means to the public that you are a dedicated group of experts from more than suitable for an independent (Pest) the problem (s) may have. In the eyes of the public of your teamThe authors become famous or at least gain instant credibility. Your company is regarded as authentic, which in today's world a much better value than another typical message marketing and sterile script.

Need to build an audience and a community publishing of unique content, interesting and creative on a regular basis and consistently makes it much easier to build an audience and the development of a community. As bloggers represent a significant proportion of blog readers themselves,there is great potential to get back your quality posts published elsewhere in the blogosphere. Readers are not limited to high-quality content they want to know you're there regularly and continuously. Create a calendar. If you do not publish every day at least one rest day a week and be consistent. Remember that blogs often have the place in general in the volume of traffic.

The right choice of subjects is another important element to attract an audience and build aCommunity. Take your time, your map topics with the group of technical writers to ensure that the arguments are interesting and the value of your target audience. An author can passionately with a specific theme, but the public can not be the same enthusiasm. How to find the subject as if it were a fishing net, the more the subject or the network, the bigger the audience, or catch. Two great ways to choose the right person to write is fascinating, yet obscure objectQuestions and write about hot news in your field.

Sell ​​more. As with other social platforms, it is important not to be perceived as a sale. Internet users on social networks are not usually looking for something to buy. Are you looking for information so instead of listing your site, a list of blogs, since the content most relevant and important additions. This is also a very subtle approach to build your audience and develop yourCommunity.

For me, the easiest way to build your audience by advertising and promoting your blog. If you are a website and blog is not contained in it, at least a link to your blog from your main navigation. Even a link to your blog on all the online directory, lists. Your blog should cross-legged on all the social support networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, etc.

At the conclusion of the benefits for most bloggingCompanies outweigh the negative. Yes, it takes time and requires a degree of engagement of selected members of your team, but the benefits of treating the public regularly by far the negative few.

It's worth a blog for my company to create?