March 5, 2011

Invasive Pest months

If you have never traveled outside the country, you must follow a set of rules when it comes to stuff to play on public holidays. This list does not include meat, fruit and vegetables, plants, cut flowers, and then other things. Do you know why these rules are there?

The rules are an attempt to prevent the entry of invasive pests, the United States. The United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced in August as "invasive plants> Pest and Disease Control Awareness Month. "It 's an invasive plant or animal from another country, then escapes and begins to take things. Invasive species cause more than $ 1000000000 damage to the U.S. in a year. Think fire ants, which arrived a load of ballast ships' in Mobile, Alabama in 1950 and returned to the south.

Self Pest Control

The North is not safe either. The emerald ash beetle drill is an Asian bug that is killing vast areas of ash trees from Michigan to New York, and israpid spread. Louisville Sluggers, the famous baseball bats made of ash wood, can be a victim of this invasive species.

How these things work here? Sometimes consciously, as the English sparrow. A rich mother of all birds released in populations of Shakespeare in Central Park in New York in early 1900. Some of them have died or have been local, but some spread quickly.

Most of the time, but it is involuntary. Thrips brought laughs at a facilityreturning from another country. fire ants are used in soil used as ballast on a ship. The emerald ash drill was probably in the country, in a case of untreated wood packaging.

What can you do? APHIS is a cool site called hungry parasites that more information on invasive species and how to prevent their arrival or spread. Texas has a website called invasive Texas citizen scientists to detect and report invasive species traits. Other states probably have similar sites, so that aSearch for "invasive species" and your state is probably than where you live.

In addition, there are five important concepts to remember from pests Hungry cited:
Do not pack a pest. When you travel, make sure that no unwanted immigrants. Be aware of the areas of quarantine. Do not move fruit, vegetables or plants or from areas quarantined. Check the packages. Many times, invasive pests arethings that we packed in for other states or counties. Check the packaging and product to ensure the absence of parasites sneak in. Parasites are not allowed. You will look cute and cuddly, but leave them where they are. Do not move a parasite from one place to another ... You can help spread. Report of a parasite. You see an unusual pest in your garden, the garden or elsewhere, please report it to your local community agricultural commissioner.

Amore is not to transport firewood from your community. If you're in a place where you need to buy travel. The drill is capable of emerald ash spread in firewood, and some other parasites.

You do not want to help spread an invasive pest, or have your name forever linked to an area like the person who left the error in x. Follow these tips and do not worry, dass

Invasive Pest months