March 9, 2011

Animal repellents to prevent dog attacks

animal repellent is one of the best ways to chase away unwanted animals and insects that create a riot, the people. There are several types of animal repellents available on the market to do with these animals. We call pest control or pesticide sprays for insect activity. Stray dogs and cats can also cause a great job for the people. Every year a large number of people, especially children and the elderly are victims of dog attacks.

Aneed to know to defend against these dogs. Remember, dogs have a fear that if they bark at. Are ready for a barking from any hazards that will come to you. Then you need your cool and not stupid, that wags the dog even more. If the dog wants to listen, do not be afraid, let it be done. After sniffing and become silent or walk away. Do the same when you are not one, but he found a group of dogs.There are some known animal repellents, tracking was useful for attacking dogs.

Self Pest Control

Here are some popular self-defense of the dog repellents:

Fang Spray: Women all over the world have used pepper spray against the harassers. This technique can be used against attacking dogs. This will be used pepper spray for dogs, not as those used for perverted stalker or strong. Pepper spray face the eyes of dogs attack causedto close. It also causes problems with the current through the irritants or chemicals in the spray. The dogs also experience a temporary decrease pain and tears, to the effect of the spray.

Ultrasonic dog repellent: This dog is a very small and light, repellent. The device can be a high frequency sound and bright light. The sound is emitted from this unit 135dbl at a frequency of 25.000 MHz This noise can be intolerable for the dog, but has no effect onPeople. The device can emit a flash of intense light, which can be very irritating to dogs.

More and more people around the world use these products as a defense against attacking dogs. If your office needs you to wander often in residential areas, roads and markets, these products can be very useful. You can take a walk in the morning or when you return home late at night through areas where there are manyDogs. These products can also be effectively used for cats.

It 's highly recommend investing in these low-cost animal repellents. They are not bulky and can be performed easily take with you to be. Do not use up all the street dogs and pets. The idea is safe from the wild dogs run away, without hurting or angry and hurt the dog without them.

Animal repellents to prevent dog attacks